Campbell's Flowers

Campbell's Flowers

Posted by campbellsflowers on March 19, 2018 | Last Updated: June 9, 2020 Flowers Plants

A Small, Scented Spring Garden

Here in Pueblo it’s not quite spring yet, but that doesn’t stop us from wanting it to be. Campbell’s Flowers has several solutions to beat the winter blues, but our favorite has to do with awakening the senses. We’re convinced that flowers are the key to many things, and this one is no exception. We make much of how flowers look, for instance, which just goes to show how much of a visual impression they leave. But we often forget that flowers make a strong appeal to all of the senses, including the olfactory one.

One of the things we love most about a garden is how it smells. The scent of fresh flowers and plants wafts over the garden bed and entices us to slow down and pay attention to our natural surroundings. We’ve tried to reproduce that feeling in our Spring Favorites dish garden, where daffodil, tulip and hyacinth bloom alongside each other. Yes, we got the most iconic spring flowers together, and for good measure, we’ve introduced roses, too.


At the bottom you’ll find button mums functioning as a garden bed. What we want to call your attention to though is how perfectly fresh this piece smells, and with the hyacinth standing proud, you’re sure to catch its enticing scent, too. Hyacinth are one of the most fragrant flowers of the seasonal bunch, as well as one of the most striking. Put this on your kitchen windowsill and give yourself an instant spring.