Campbell's Flowers

Campbell's Flowers

Posted by campbellsflowers on February 25, 2017 | Last Updated: July 5, 2018 Flowers

St. Patrick’s Day Customs and Flowers

St. Patrick's Day

St. Patrick’s Day is a Roman Catholic feast day that has evolved into a cultural celebration – and not only among the Irish! It is said that on March 17th, everyone is Irish, and so it would seem based upon the parades, the “wearing of the green”, and the many festivities surrounding the day. Whether you will be drinking green beer or eating corned beef and cabbage, you’ll be joining with over 36 million people who claim Irish descent in the United States. And if you would like to dress up your home or office with a bit of green as well, look to the experts at Campbell’s Flowers – we have green flowers and plants that will help you to celebrate with the best of them!

Did You Know? St. Patrick was not Irish. He was a young man in Gret Britain when he was kidnapped by pirates and taken to Ireland. After his escape, he became a Catholic priest and returned to Ireland to be a missionary. He is credited with bringing Christianity to the country.
St. Patrick's DayThere are less than 5 million Irish citizens, meaning that there will be far more celebrating in the United States than in the holiday’s country of origin. St. Patrick’s Day came to America by way of Irish immigrants in the 1700s and 1800s, primarily in the cities of Boston and New York (which are both still major population centers). Most major cities in the U.S. have parades with floats to commemorate the day, and the festivities often take on a “Mardi Gras” type feel. In Chicago, the river is turned green for a few hours as a customary show of solidarity.

St. Patrick's Day

Snakes? The legend states that St. Patrick drove all the snakes out of Ireland, and many statues and paintings of him depict this event. However, historians tell us that it never happened! They attribute the story to the fact that Patrick was successful in his effort to convert the local pagan Druid people to Christianity, and those people often used snakes in their symbolism.

On Saint Patrick’s Day, anyone not wearing green can be legally “pinched”, according to custom. So make sure you wearing something green, and make sure to send something green to all of your Irish friends in Pueblo! Call Campbell’s Flowers today and we will give you unique ideas as to what is in bloom.