Campbell's Flowers

Campbell's Flowers

Posted by campbellsflowers on December 15, 2017 | Last Updated: July 5, 2018 Floral Design Flowers

Trend Alert: Modern Nature

International Floral Distributors annual trend report is out, and we at Campbell’s Flowers couldn’t be more jazzed. Of the four floral design approaches identified, there’s one we want to highlight in this week’s blog. “Incarnation of Earth’s Element” may be a mouthful, but it’s also a totally appealing aesthetic that feels modern and fresh.

We’re calling IFD’s second identified trend “modern nature,” which just rolls off the tongue better. It’s also accurate. This style is about organic minimalism, making use of both flowers and plants and bringing them together in simple designs that contrast with geometric decor. Our Imagination Blooms is a good example of the form.

Lilies, typically presented as singularly sleek blooms, are made more lush here. There’s an added emphasis on other organic elements, and the sleek, sculptural container brings in the modern. This is a piece that functions as artwork, floral item and mood-setter. It perfectly captures the spirit of modern nature, which is meant to feel relaxed but full of visual appeal at the same time.

What we love about this look is that it instantly updates a home. It really is like introducing a new painting or sculpture to your design scheme, injecting new energy into your space. Call on us at Campbell’s Flowers if you’re looking to work this or one of IFD’s other trends into your home.