Chrysanthemums are one of the most beautiful and versatile fall flowers around. With large, gorgeous blooms in an array of styles and colors, these blooms add so much to your seasonal decor in your home or office. Place on front or back porches for a fresh fall update to your outdoor living space. And did you know that mums are known to offer multiple health benefits? There are so many great reasons to invite mums into your world during the fall season. The floral designers at Campbell’s Flowers are so excited about fall mums, and it’s easy to see why. Get excited about all these blooms have to offer and send beautiful mums to someone special in the Pueblo area to celebrate autumn’s arrival.
Daisy & Standard Mums
One of the most popular chrysanthemums, daisy mums, appear much like daisies, with a cheerful circle of petals surrounding a flat center disk of yellow, brown or green. In our Sugar Maples Bouquet, these yellow and brown daisy mums contrast beautifully with our red standard mums, which add flair and texture to this stylish design. Standard mums are the chrysanthemums you picture when you think of these varied blooms. While there are over 40 species of these blooms, standard mums deliver fresh, lush color and design to any floral bouquet.
Daisy Chrysanthemums
Colorful Daisy Mums
Sugar Maples Bouquet
Daisy Spray Mums
Daisy spray mums are a larger version of daisy mums, featuring an evident center disk with gorgeous petals surrounding it. In our Heirloom Crock Bouquet, the bronze petals complement reds, oranges and yellows beautifully for a tasteful and traditional autumn display. Find fresh, long-lasting floral designs featuring mums throughout the autumn season.
Orange & Yellow Daisy Mum
Red Mums
Heriloom Crock Bouquet
Disbud Mums & Daisy Mums
Disbud mums are a less expensive version of dahlias, with big, fluffy heads full of rich color on a single stem. The bronze disbud chrysanthemums in our Wild Autumn Bouquet are coupled with red daisy spray chrysanthemums for a rustic fall look that brings the bright, warm colors of the season into focus. Potted mums for planting also make a great design for your garden all year long. Dress up your fall garden with beautiful potted mums as well as floral bouquets of cut blooms.
Disbud Mum
Disbud Mums
Wild Autumn Bouquet
Health Benefits
Not only are chrysanthemums beautiful, colorful and eclectic, they also offer a variety of health benefits. The petals of mums can be made into an herbal tea by steeping them in boiling water for about 10 minutes. Keeping a lid on the mixture ensures that the essential oils in the petals- where healing properties are found- stay potent. When used properly, drinking chrysanthemum tea or taking a mum supplement in capsule form can provide relief from a variety of cold-weather symptoms like sore throats, headaches, skin problems, and allergies, plus issues like vertigo, anxiety, and high blood pressure. It’s even been proven by NASA that chrysanthemums are natural air purifiers, removing toxins and indoor air pollution. What a great choice for home or office decor during the beginning of cold season!
Fill your world with the beauty and benefits of chrysanthemums each fall and discover new ways to brighten your season. Use mums for decorating your home and office to breathe easier and find the beauty of fall everywhere you look. For more great ways to decorate with these beautiful blooms, or to learn more about the health benefits of chrysanthemums, talk to the floral experts at Campbell’s Flowers. We’re always happy to offer tips and advice about our fabulous flowers!