Campbell's Flowers

Campbell's Flowers

Posted by campbellsflowers on November 8, 2016 | Last Updated: October 5, 2020 Uncategorized

Warm Thanksgiving Traditions and Customs

The Thanksgiving holiday signifies the kickoff to one of our very favorite times of the year. The customs and traditions we have cultivated influence where we gather, what type of food is on the table, and how we spend the long hours waiting for the meal – and they help us to create special memories with our loved ones that last a lifetime. Campbell’s Flowers is proud to have played a role in so many Pueblo area families’ Thanksgiving traditions and celebrations – providing the seasonal arrangements and centerpieces that invite your guests to your table with warmth and beauty.
Family and friends provide the heart of the holiday, expressed in a spirit of thankfulness for all of the good things we enjoy in our lives. The tradition of the day reaches back nearly 400 years – when in 1621 the Plymouth settlers shared a three-day feast with the native Wampanoag Indians to show their gratitude for an abundant harvest. The menu included venison, lobster, clams, and waterfowl – but no turkey was reported at the first Thanksgiving meal. Berries, gourds, and fresh fruit from the vine and tree were also in ample supply.

Tradition tells us that although it was not declared an official holiday until 1863, Thanksgiving had caught on with Americans long before then.  Decades prior to the President Abraham Lincoln adding it to the national calendar, Alexander Hamilton famously stated “No citizen should be without a turkey on Thanksgiving!”, proving that over the years, the iconic bird had somehow gained the dubious honor of being the holiday meal.

Did You Know? Polls often indicate that although turkey is on 88% of our plates on Thanksgiving, it is not our favorite Thanksgiving food – not by a long shot! Turkey comes in at #10, while mashed potatoes and gravy, stuffing, and pie are far more popular.

While waiting for dinner, our top pastimes are watching the parade, watching football, and playing football in the backyard. But once dinner is on the table, Thanksgiving traditions are all about the fun of gathering with our family and friends. This year, create a new tradition by adding fresh bouquets from Campbell’s Flowers to your home and table, and you’ll have one more thing to be thankful for.

Don’t forget! If you are invited to someone else’s home for dinner, seasonal floral arrangements and holiday gift baskets make excellent hostess gifts.