Luxe Lavender and Green Bouquet
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The Luxe Lavender & Green Bouquet from Campbell's Flowers is a showstopper, designed to make a bold and luxurious statement. This exquisite arrangement is a harmonious blend of striking green garden roses, lush purple hydrangeas, and delicate mini-white calla lilies. The combination of these premium flowers creates a visually captivating contrast of colors and textures, making it a truly remarkable bouquet. Green garden roses exude elegance and charm with their lush petals and enchanting fragrance, while the purple hydrangeas add a touch of regal beauty and symbolize heartfelt emotions. The mini white calla lilies bring a sense of purity and sophistication to the arrangement. Together, these blooms create a bouquet that is both modern and timeless, perfect for any occasion where you want to steal the show.
Whether you're sending this Luxe Lavender & Green Bouquet as a gift or using it as a centerpiece for a special event, it's sure to leave a lasting impression. It's a testament to your refined taste and your desire to make a statement of opulence and style. This bouquet is a work of art that embodies the beauty of nature and the skill of floral design, making it a true masterpiece from Campbell's Flowers.
DELIVERY: Every order is hand-delivered by us locally, or by a qualified local florist.